Podcast Setup Ideas: Equipment, Inspiration, and More
How do you get your podcast started, and what kind of equipment do you need? We’ve got the essential answers and podcast setup ideas that will power up your creativity.Buying Guides

Podcasting just might be the definitive new media format of the early 21st century. With a microphone, recording software, and something to say, you can bring your voice to the world in a highly accessible format. There are podcasts on everything from video games to sports to literature. So, if you’re wondering if there’s a niche for you in the podcast world, the answer is probably yes.
How do you get your podcast started, and what kind of equipment do you need? Or, if you’ve been podcasting for a while, how can you take your podcast to the next level of professional production? We’ve got the essential answers and podcast setup ideas that will power up your creativity.
Podcast Inspiration: What's on Your Mind?
Before you get your gear together, take some time to consider your creative goals for your podcast. You can create a podcast about pretty much anything — so here are some questions to get you started:
- Topics: What topics do you like to talk about? Which areas of knowledge do you want to share with the public? What are some angles of your favorite topics that aren’t being covered by current podcasts?
- Collaborators: Will your podcast be just you, or will you have permanent co-hosts? Will you have guests for interviews? Will your collaborators be with you in person, or will you record audio over video conference? Will you collaborate with others who fill important roles like composing music, editing audio, or researching and fact-checking?
- Format: How long will each episode of your podcast be? Will each episode be a discussion, an interview, a solo monologue, or something else? Will you change formats depending on the episode’s topic? How frequently will you release episodes? Will you use music for intros or scene transitions? (Make sure to read up on using music in a podcast to avoid violating copyright laws!)

Essential Podcast Equipment: Four Things You Need
1. Microphone
The number one must-have piece of equipment for any podcast is a microphone for you to speak into. While the built-in microphone on your phone or laptop can provide basic audio capabilities, most podcasters will want to invest in a high-quality microphone.
Fortunately, that doesn’t have to mean spending your whole paycheck on a mic. Plenty of high-quality podcasting microphones are available for $100 or less. Here’s what to look for in the microphone you choose:
- Dynamic vs. Condenser: These are two different microphone technologies that pick up audio in different ways. A dynamic microphone is the most common choice for new podcasters. Dynamic mics are more affordable, more versatile, and less sensitive to noisy surroundings. A condenser mic offers higher-fidelity sound, but can be trickier to set up, and may pick up more noise from rooms that aren’t soundproofed.
- USB vs. XLR: USB microphones offer plug-and-play compatibility that makes them popular with podcasters, since you can simply connect them to USB ports on your computer. XLR microphones, by contrast, offer higher-fidelity recording and need to be connected via a three-pronged plug on an audio interface. Many podcasters start with USB microphones before progressing to XLR models when they want more features and higher-quality audio.
- Polar Pattern: The polar pattern refers to the arrangement of sensors inside the microphone, which affects the direction the microphone picks up sound from. Cardioid is the most common pattern and the standard choice for a single speaker. If you plan to have more than one person using the mic, you might consider a bi-directional or omnidirectional microphone — although the best choice is typically just to have one microphone per person.
- Pop Filter: A pop filter is a thin cloth screen that sits in front of a microphone and softens the harsh audio that comes from spoken “b” and “p” sounds (known as plosives). Pop filters are highly recommended for every podcaster. They’re inexpensive, sometimes included with microphones, and make your audio much easier to listen to.

2. Computer
In most cases, you’ll be recording and editing your podcast into software running on a computer. The majority of modern computers have the specs to record audio for a podcast, so there’s typically no need to purchase a new computer specifically for podcasting. Your computer just needs to meet the minimum specifications of the digital audio workstation you want to use (see below). If you’re looking for a computer to use for podcasting, you’ll want at least 8GB of RAM, plus a CPU with at least six cores. Check out some of today’s most popular laptops and desktops and see which ones fit your needs, keeping in mind anything else you’ll need to use the computer for besides podcasting.
3. Audio Editing Software
You’ll need audio editing software to turn your podcast into a finished product. A digital audio workstation (DAW) is most people’s preferred software tool for podcast production. You can record directly into your DAW and then mix and edit the audio just the way you want it, adding effects like compression or music later. If you’re recording a podcast remotely over video conferencing software, you can either use the built-in audio recording features these programs offer, or have all participants record their own audio and edit it together later.
GarageBand is a great DAW choice for Mac users since it’s included free on all MacBook and iPad models. For Windows, several free or low-cost DAWs are available, with Reaper and OBS being some of the most popular options. Typically, it’s fine to stick with these entry-level DAWs, as most of them include all the tools the average podcaster will need.
4. Headphones
Headphones are crucial for recording and editing podcast audio. Many podcasters find that wearing headphones while recording helps them hear their voice as the audience hears it, as well as keeping them more focused. When editing podcast audio, headphones will help you catch audio quality problems like background noise and mic feedback.
A pair of earbuds or basic studio headphones is a good starting point. Headphones with a built-in mic are a convenient all-in-one option, though recorded sound quality may not be as good as working with a dedicated microphone. If you’re looking to produce professional-quality audio, a set of pro studio headphones is an excellent investment.

Setting Up a Podcast Studio
Ready to bring it all together? Check out these podcast setup ideas that will bring out the best in your content:
- Make sure you have high-quality cables to connect your equipment. USB or XLR audio cables for your microphones and/or interface are the most important in terms of sound quality. However, it’s a good idea to double-check all of your cables before you start recording to ensure that you don’t lose great content to an audio malfunction.
- Comfortable seating is a must for a podcast studio. If you have guests or co-hosts, you want them relaxed and comfy so they can give you their best. Even if you’re by yourself, you’ll spend long hours in your chair recording and then more hours editing, making an ergonomic chair a wise investment.
- For setups with multiple guests and/or co-hosts, try to create an arrangement where everyone can face each other. Conversations often become more lively when everyone can look each other in the eye.
- Choose a room with the best acoustic qualities you can find. You want to minimize the amount of sound waves bouncing around the room, so if possible, choose a smaller room with a low ceiling and few hard surfaces such as windows.
- Decorate your podcast studio with art, furniture, or other items that help set the vibe you want for your podcast. The more at ease you and others are in your space, the more likely you’ll produce awesome content!
Upgrading Your Podcast Setup
Maybe you’ve been podcasting for a while and want to upgrade your setup. (Shout-out to all the podcasts that started as COVID lockdown projects and are still going strong.) If that’s the case, here are a few ideas that can improve your capabilities:

1. Video Content
These days, many podcasts go beyond audio to broadcast on a video feed that’s also live streamed and uploaded to YouTube. It’s a great opportunity to add another dimension to your podcast, and many viewers find video content more engaging than audio alone. Plus, you can upload video clips to TikTok and YouTube, where they might find a viral audience that leads people to your podcast.
The right setup is even more crucial when you’re filming a podcast. At a minimum, you’ll need a quality webcam, plus video editing software like Final Cut or Adobe Premiere to edit and assemble the final product. Lights are extremely important for capturing the vibe and making everyone look good, so grab some content creator lights and spend a little time experimenting with your setup.
2. Live Studio Guests
Many pandemic podcasts started out being recorded over video conferencing software like Zoom or Google Meet. Obviously, you can still record a great podcast like this — but having guests live in the studio can bring an energy and vibe to your podcast that’s hard to replicate over video chat.
If you’re making the transition from video chat to live guests, you’ll want to devote some extra attention to your physical space. Take a look at our podcast setup ideas above, and make sure you have basics like a microphone and headphones for each guest, plus a comfortable place to sit and talk. Remember, too, that recording audio on-site can require some tweaks to your mixing, so be ready to devote more time to getting the balance just right in post-production.

3. Audio Interface
Most podcasting pros recommend using an audio interface if you’re serious about creating great content. Audio interfaces allow you to use microphones with XLR outputs, opening up far more options for professional-quality sound. Interfaces also include built-in gain controls and preamps, providing an expanded slate of options for getting the best sound from your mic. Choose an interface with one input for every microphone you plan to operate at once, preferably with a phantom power option for powering condenser microphones with active circuitry.
4. Sound Mixer
Adding a sound mixer to your studio setup gives you an easy way to monitor and control your live audio on the fly. With the turn of a knob or press of a button, you can control mic levels, mute or unmute mics, play sound effects or audio clips, adjust your high and low EQ, and perform all sorts of other useful functions. On top of all that, you’ll have a display that lets you monitor gain levels and other key outputs, making them an invaluable investment for a professionally-produced podcast.
5. Soundproof Studio
Soundproofing your podcast studio might sound daunting, but basic acoustic treatment is easier and more affordable than you might imagine. Here are some key tips for organizing your space in a podcast-friendly way:
- Reduce the amount of echo in your space by decorating it with soft, sound-absorbing materials like rugs, blankets, and window drapes. Even furniture like bookcases can help.
- Be vigilant about the background noise that appliances, HVAC systems, pets, and roommates can introduce. If possible, try sealing the spaces around your door with blankets or other soft materials while you’re recording.
- Purpose-built acoustic absorbing panels are available for surprisingly affordable prices. If you’ve got the wall space and budget, these sound-dampening panels can be a game-changer for your podcast’s sound quality.

Micro Center is fully stocked with the gear that will power your podcast. Check out our complete lineup of podcast microphones, audio interfaces, studio lights, and more. We’ve even got quick-start packages of essential gear in our Creator Studio Builder to help you get in the game and start podcasting.