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  • Neat! thumbnail

    Neat! Neat!

    This build is primarily for gaming but I do dabble a bit in content creation. I also do a steady amount of work from home... This build is primarily for gaming but I do dabble a bit in content creation. I also do a steady amount of work from home here. For work I rent the cameras that shoot most major motion pictures and TV Shows. I am based in Los Angeles California. This is what I would consider revision #6 of my entire setup spanning from ~2011 to present day. Is a build ever really complete?
    Zachary P
  • VirtualMafia Gaming PC thumbnail

    VirtualMafia Gaming PC VirtualMafia Gaming PC

    Umm Its a Kick Ass gaming PC....duh Umm Its a Kick Ass gaming PC....duh
  • #Bitwit All RGB, No Custom Cables thumbnail

    #Bitwit All RGB, No Custom Cables #Bitwit All RGB, No Custom Cables

    I've always wanted to build a PC, especially a watercooled one, so I went all out for my first build! I mainly built it for... I've always wanted to build a PC, especially a watercooled one, so I went all out for my first build! I mainly built it for gaming and VR, but I also want to get into streaming or recording a bit. Currently, my main 5 games are GTA V, Dead By Daylight, Fall Guys, Beat Saber, and Phasmophobia (it's even better in VR).There won't be a need to upgrade most of my parts for at least 5 years, but it is expected to last me 10 years with proper maintenance and partial upgrades around 5 years. I'm sorry Bitwit, I still haven't replaced the PCIe/Motherboard cables with custom ones!! Total cost of everything ended up being close to $6000
    Dave T
  • My current setup thumbnail

    My current setup My current setup

    Very overkill for gaming and streaming. Can run all triple A games at max setting with great frames, I currently run modern... Very overkill for gaming and streaming. Can run all triple A games at max setting with great frames, I currently run modern warfare at all max setting 120+ fps. If I could do over one upgrade that I would have changed is the mobo. The Lian Li case is fantastic and can fit up to 9 fans.
  • Omega (left) and Magnus (right) thumbnail

    Omega (left) and Magnus (right) Omega (left) and Magnus (right)

    Gaming. Gaming.
    Keith M
  • PC gaming thumbnail

    PC gaming PC gaming

    gaming gaming
    Jame Z
  • Heisenberg, because it's all White (Get it?)! #BitWit thumbnail

    Heisenberg, because it's all White (Get... Heisenberg, because it's all White (Get it?)! #BitWit

    I use this machine to relax after work, I am a chemical engineer working in aerospace research and it gets very stressful to... I use this machine to relax after work, I am a chemical engineer working in aerospace research and it gets very stressful to say the least! I tried making it as high end as possible: Intel i9 11900K Z590 Vision D RTX 3070 FE (3090 Vision coming in a week!) SN850 1Tb 2 Intel 760p 1Tb Corsair QL Fans Corsair RMX850 Corsair 680X Case Corsair H150i, should've done a H115i to top mount though! I stream on, always on with friends just roasting each other while playing VALORANT or spooky games! I helped each and everyone of my friends build their computers and I scored them each a 3000 series GPU through a lot of hard work and luck, constantly checking all sites, all the time! It's possible everyone. I so far have helped 11 people this year score a GPU at MSRP, or as close as I can get to it! Good luck everyone and have fun!
    Omar D
  • Stormtrooper Blue thumbnail

    Stormtrooper Blue Stormtrooper Blue

    This is my personal rig. I built it to handle the demanding AAA titles out now and future releases for a while as well as... This is my personal rig. I built it to handle the demanding AAA titles out now and future releases for a while as well as the ability to stream. My office is blue/stormtrooper themed so i put the aesthetics around that. This PC is capable of pretty much anything id ever ask it to do! I vertically mounted the GPU for the look of the shroud, and to take up the empty space in that section. Cable management for all of the fans and the lighting took much longer then i wanted but what came out was a clean system thats a showpiece as well as a high performing gaming system! I built the entire system using parts bought at the parkville location!
  • PC 2021 thumbnail

    PC 2021 PC 2021

    I'm an IT consultant so it's an all purpose PC. I'm an IT consultant so it's an all purpose PC.
    Andres S
  • Custom Loop Build thumbnail

    Custom Loop Build Custom Loop Build

    First watercooled build for gaming First watercooled build for gaming
    Bob J
  • Erie - My Project PC thumbnail

    Erie - My Project PC Erie - My Project PC

    I originally built this computer when I was 12, with an FX 8350 and GTX 950. Over the years though it’s been through many... I originally built this computer when I was 12, with an FX 8350 and GTX 950. Over the years though it’s been through many changes as my interest grew. The first real upgrade was to a GTX 1060 for VR, then I got a Ryzen 7 1700 when Zen launched, and when mining exploded I got in early enough with my modest little machine to buy a 1070. Between those mining Etherium I saved up enough to sell those and get a EVGA 1080 TI Hybrid. I then traded my dad for one of his MSI Armour 1080 TI he had after mining died (since he was one of the weirdos who bought 10 graphics cards for it) and a small Corsair AIO since it seemed to be a better overclocker than my hybrid. That’s actually still the card I have today (yes the list says 2070 super it’s just the closest thing to it). Then when Zen 2 came out, I showed up on launch day and got me a 3700x. As luck would have it my motherboard didn’t get the bios update so I had to get a new one, and at the time the cheapest one with a post code read out was the behemoth of a board that is the Crosshair VIII. It wasn’t a wise purchasing decision if I’m being honest but I love the board nonetheless (even if the overclocking buttons don’t work as advertised). The reason I put this build here as new, is because one, I’ve never posted it before, and two, I just rebuilt the entire thing in an 011 Dynamic with custom water cooling. Another enormous waste of money, but one I love nonetheless. I think the theme here is to have fun with the computer not on the computer. With the new loop, and the 20$ gpu block, t-die is 40 degrees in time spy extreme fully overclocked. I now hold the world record in my hardware config (aside from a guy who somehow hacked 3D mark and is 2000 points above stock at stock clocks). Other than the cooling though, I also modified the current sense circuit for the 2 8 pin pcie power connectors by piggybacking some 8 miliohm resistors on top of the existing ones. This means under full load the card thinks it’s only using 80% of its (already modded through vbios) 120% Limit, stopping gpu boost from hitting power or thermal limits ever. I love this thing and I can’t wait to play with Zen 3 when it comes out, a unified ccd is going to be a whole new adventure to tinker with. A couple of notes before I go though, my TIM is not liquid metal, it’s Kryonaut, Cunductonaut was just the closest thing in stock. Additionally I don’t have the gigabyte SSD, I have a Sabrant Rocket that I got for way cheaper and actually has 50000 iops on the one in the build list. Lastly, the RGB on the fans is from Phanteks Halos that microcenter also doesn’t sell, but turns the beastly Vardar fans into something with really good rgb (the EK rgb Vardars only have one set of leds that aren’t individually addressable).
    Samuel L
  • Super tower thumbnail

    Super tower Super tower

    I originally built it for gaming but it has became much more then that. I originally built it for gaming but it has became much more then that.
    Bryan m
  • 1440p 120hz King thumbnail

    1440p 120hz King 1440p 120hz King

    Built this for COD, Battlefield, New world, Rust Built this for COD, Battlefield, New world, Rust
  • VADER #Bitwit! thumbnail

    VADER #Bitwit! VADER #Bitwit!

    I got into PC gaming right as PUBG launched in alpha and I wanted to learn more on getting a better system. I stumbled... I got into PC gaming right as PUBG launched in alpha and I wanted to learn more on getting a better system. I stumbled across Kyle & Jay and instantly got hooked! After graduating in 2020 and getting a job I got to finally save up towards my first build. I am proud to say that in January of this year I finally built my first pc! Version 1.0 had all the same specs except for GPU & Case. I originally had a EVGA 1070ti and a NZXT H510 but later upgraded to a Asus Rog Strix 3070 and H710 case, so this is version 2.0 that I am providing pictures. I am so happy with this setup and I cannot wait to build my next one, thanks Kyle for the inspiration!
  • Big Boi thumbnail

    Big Boi Big Boi

    gaming love! my first ever pc build gaming love! my first ever pc build
    Justin P
  • r7 3800x/RTX 3080 Gaming PC thumbnail

    r7 3800x/RTX 3080 Gaming PC r7 3800x/RTX 3080 Gaming PC

    Gaming... Halo MCC/Infinite, RDR2, Control, Borderlands series, Apex Legends, Rocket League, AC: Odyssey, Far Cry series,... Gaming... Halo MCC/Infinite, RDR2, Control, Borderlands series, Apex Legends, Rocket League, AC: Odyssey, Far Cry series, Cyberpunk 2077, Horizon Zero Dawn, Life is Strange series, Skyrim, Fallout, DOOM, MS Flight Simulator, various other games. I play on a superwide monitor at 5120x1440 and this system generally runs around 80-100 fps at high to ultra on most new games.
  • Everything ICUE thumbnail

    Everything ICUE Everything ICUE

    2020 was the right time to completely overhaul my Gaming Rig. As an RGB fan and a Corsair fanboy through and through I... 2020 was the right time to completely overhaul my Gaming Rig. As an RGB fan and a Corsair fanboy through and through I decided to go all in. As a Microcenter employee there was no better place to get everything I needed all at once than my own store in St.Davids PA. Every component I selected was carefully planed out with advice from our BYO staff to fit MY needs and desires , not theirs. It is very easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of options and frills or to even understand WHY one component would be a better fit over one that is seemingly the same. This is a 1440p focused gaming rig that can chew through any new AAA title with features maxed and mid range titles at excess of 120fps without breaking a sweat. Because Ryzen and RTX chips take advantage of thermal throttling to maintain consistent performance I decided on a fully Corsair Hydro X hard line liquid cooling loop. With this configuration my GPU idles at 27c and under a full load caps out at 42c and my CPU idles at around 38c and caps out at 68c under load. By maintaining temps below the thermal threshold while under load I can be comfortable knowing that I am getting every mhz of potential power I paid for. As a fan of corsair peripherals and their ICUE rgb system I chose a 680x case. Because corsair believes in broad compatibility every fan and cooling component has various options for placement. That is not to say if you are going Hydro X that you have to use a corsair case. Cases are like shoes, you like what you like. At the same time , dont start with the case unless you are doing a SFF build... Pick the parts you want and find a case you like that both accommodates the current build but provides you with enough flexibility to make future upgrades if need be. I also opted to place 2x 2tb Inland Premium NVME SSDs in RAID 0 , not for performance as the gains are negligible, but for the vanity reason of having a single 4tb drive to install everything to the same drive letter. This is one extravagance I strongly recommend against if you are unfamiliar with maintaining a raid as you may find yourself in a situation where you could loose everything and need to rebuild it. IF you do opt for a NVME RAID configuration , do so knowing that on X570 chipsets currently you must disconnect all SATA devices from the motherboard every time you update the BIOS or revert back to default BIOS settings for any reason or the machine will not post. Hard line liquid cooling can be daunting and can seriously damage components if any one component is not installed properly, but this build could just as easily been done with safer albeit less visually appealing soft tubes. The service departments in Microcenter stores will also work with you to design and assemble a custom cooling loops. It takes a lot of time and patience to make the proper bends to make a truly awe inspiring build and our people really know their stuff. As someone who has been liquid cooling computers since Koolance began making consumer products (20 years?) I was over confident and opted to do it myself. But again every tool and material I needed was available in store for my immediate satisfaction. You may however notice that despite my experience and even with careful and meticulous planning and measuring one of my bends ended up a little bit off. While I fully intend to replace the run, it doesn't look bad at all. The reason I did not replace it before filling is quite simple, these bends were a test run for my even more daunting next attempt... A no angled fitting glass tube run (start TBD). I also intend to swap the motherboard and pcie power cables with cablemods colored cloth braided extensions. COVID-19 has brought much of the world to a halt but Microcenter has been open through it all and we will continue to serve the country in making sure you can get all of the technology needed to keep working and be entertained in your own home. *some components are not availble via the part selector so i included current SKUs in the comments so that you may search . I also omitted peripherals but I utilize all corsair. K95 Platinum Keyboard - Dark Core SE mouse - Void Pro headphones - ST100 Headphone stand - MM800 RGB mouse pad (prefer RGB over the MM1000 Qi because i have a wireless charge on my desk anyway)
    Michael S
  • NZXT case build 1 and 2 thumbnail

    NZXT case build 1 and 2 NZXT case build 1 and 2

    PC 1 I mainly use general purpose and playing pc games.PC 2 I made for my spouse to work on and also play pc games with... PC 1 I mainly use general purpose and playing pc games. PC 2 I made for my spouse to work on and also play pc games with me. Most of the games I play are found on Steam, Blizzard, Epic Games, LoL, Valorant, etc. I'm a OIF/OEF Vet myself, my teenage kids wanted to get into PC gaming (they're "upgrading" from consoles/Fortnite) and I come from an automotive repair background so putting together a PC is trivial in comparison to an engine or fine tuning suspension for an auto cross track. Anywho, future upgrades to include the new 6800 XT or some 3080's were available but I'll deal with having 5700 XT's for now as a place holder. Almost returned both these NZXT cases (still within 30day window) and buy 2 new Lian Li O11 Dynamic Mini cases + 12*LL120 case fans but too lazy to take apart both PC components JUST to have the NEW case.
    Phong V
  • The All-purpose Beast thumbnail

    The All-purpose Beast The All-purpose Beast

    This was built primarily with the intention of gaming, as well as to get the full desktop PC experience I've been sorely... This was built primarily with the intention of gaming, as well as to get the full desktop PC experience I've been sorely missing. Of late, it's been far too much scrunching over the laptop that a high- performing 'entertainment' PC was in order. In addition to solo campaign RPGs, mmoRPGs, first-person shooters and battle royales both new and old (GW2, LoL, I'm looking at you), I've been particularly into exploration and survival games like the Flame in the Flood, Don't Starve, It Takes Two and the like. In addition to the gaming function, this PC was also meant to serve as a sort of versatile, multi-talented HTPC power workstation.
    Angela C
  • killerwork thumbnail

    killerwork killerwork

    Gaming PC with secondary hookups for work from home Gaming PC with secondary hookups for work from home
  • Main Rig thumbnail

    Main Rig Main Rig

    This is my main PC. I play mostly TF2 and Minecraft on it. I am a Computer Engineering student, so more often these days I'm... This is my main PC. I play mostly TF2 and Minecraft on it. I am a Computer Engineering student, so more often these days I'm using it for Vivado and MATLAB.
  • Vice City Nostalgia Build thumbnail

    Vice City Nostalgia Build Vice City Nostalgia Build

    Nothing like that good old nostalgia of GTA Vice City. I found a pink neon palm tree GIF online which sits nicely on the... Nothing like that good old nostalgia of GTA Vice City. I found a pink neon palm tree GIF online which sits nicely on the LCD of the AIO. The rest of the RGB is only there to make that shine!
  • Custom built PC thumbnail

    Custom built PC Custom built PC

    i spent 7000+ on this computer. Unfortunately i dront have much use for this computer but i still made it. Its so powerful i spent 7000+ on this computer. Unfortunately i dront have much use for this computer but i still made it. Its so powerful
    john t
  • Carbon mk1 thumbnail

    Carbon mk1 Carbon mk1

    This is my main computer, I use it pretty much every day - almost exclusively for playing games. Everything from Runescape... This is my main computer, I use it pretty much every day - almost exclusively for playing games. Everything from Runescape to Call of Duty Modern Warfare and hopefully Cyberpunk. This was the first computer I built that had built in RGB and tempered glass side panels. So I wanted to do something special to show off. I bought some 3M vinyl and tried my hand at wrapping some panels in the case. For my first time every using vinyl wrap, I think it turned out okay! The back cable mgmt panels were a little dicey - mostly because of their size and curvature, but they pass the 6ft test. The build was originally completed in mid-summer of 2019, and then I upgraded the GPU and RAM. Since then, I've upgraded the fans all around (Noctua NF A14s) and added some extra storage. As for future plans... I currently have a closet full of custom watercooling parts waiting to go into the build. I'm just waiting until NVIDIA releases their 30 series cards to pick up a 3080 TI and a custom water block.
    Probably Alex

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