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  • The Amazing Gaming-Man thumbnail

    The Amazing Gaming-Man The Amazing Gaming-Man

    Fun, eye-catching build that could probably use a better graphics card. Fun, eye-catching build that could probably use a better graphics card.
  • Finally able to complete this build thumbnail

    Finally able to complete this build Finally able to complete this build

    AAA 1080p Gaming AAA 1080p Gaming
    James Z
  • Frostbite thumbnail

    Frostbite Frostbite

    Walking through Micro Center one day to get a new fan for my good old Raidmax Smilodon case and made the mistake of walking... Walking through Micro Center one day to get a new fan for my good old Raidmax Smilodon case and made the mistake of walking past the cases, saw a core P3 black on the shelf and had to build one for myself, and so it began, which color which was a back and forth decision for some time. Had to bail on building it few times due to other circumstances and just kept researching and getting parts over I would say 2 to 3 years, some accessories are past over from last build though. Built it for gaming and just general use, do a little go-pro video editing from time to time. Really do not have any upgrade plans for the tower at this time but we all know how fast that can change. Definitely would like to in time upgrade old been through it all desk that started as a U desk and due to space keeps getting smaller and also some better cable management for the desk. Custom loop would also be a possible upgrade but do not like the idea of constantly changing the coolant and I like simple (LOL) so to be determined, that being said next will more then likely be VR. Types of games really I am all over the place, it is really whichever I got hooked on for the moment. Forth build I have technically done but always had a sidekick that honestly knows much more and this one is the first I was solo on other then texting questions and thoughts to said sidekick <(leader of what to get and do)(LOL), also is where the Klipsch 5.1 came from (great friend).
    scott e

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