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  • Minimal brown thumbnail

    Minimal brown Minimal brown

    I've been meaning to build a PC, and I finally pulled the trigger on a used one with great bones that I was meaning on... I've been meaning to build a PC, and I finally pulled the trigger on a used one with great bones that I was meaning on tinkering with. Unfortunately I was scammed, and the GPU did not work. I waited patiently for a decent deal and decided to buy a 6600xt Eagle from Micro Center when I saw a good deal on it. I then went and bought a fractal case, Noctua fans, and a Noctua CPU cooler for the performance and mainly their aesthetics. I play Forza 5, Halo Infinite, COD Warzone, and a little bit of Sims 4. I also plan on using it for school as I'm pursuing a degree in Cyber Security.
    Joshua M

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