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  • MUTT thumbnail


    Just my tiny workhorse (like the Ford MUTT) for everyday use. I've thrown everything I can at this thing except RAW RED... Just my tiny workhorse (like the Ford MUTT) for everyday use. I've thrown everything I can at this thing except RAW RED without issue. I love playing Valorant at 240+ fps and New World at an immense 30 +/- 5 fps. I would've added a second spoiler but it didn't seem right. I contemplated swapping the Noctuas on the top for Scythe RGBs like on the bottom but the system looks stealthy when the RGB is off and it doesn't seem worth it to compromise the look. If the be quiet RGB fans were available at the time I would've 100% gone with those throughout the entire build. The 8tb easystore is holding a couple hundered games and movies; It's nearing full I may swap it with a 14TB if the chance arises.

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