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  • StormTrooper thumbnail

    StormTrooper StormTrooper

    gaming pc i built for my friend for his college dorm so he can do work and play games in his spare time gaming pc i built for my friend for his college dorm so he can do work and play games in his spare time
    Michael G
  • Old School thumbnail

    Old School Old School

    Had to pick up the new processor bundle as I've been a fan of Microcenter for years. And had a old Elite 310 case laying... Had to pick up the new processor bundle as I've been a fan of Microcenter for years. And had a old Elite 310 case laying around from cougarmaster and had to modify it a little bit to get the 3080 in there but pretty good I do not miss having no spot to hide wiring LOL
  • StormTrooper thumbnail

    StormTrooper StormTrooper

    This is mostly a gaming/school work station i like to play video games like overwatch, valorant, and Gta i also use this... This is mostly a gaming/school work station i like to play video games like overwatch, valorant, and Gta i also use this computer for 3d modeling.
    Oscar S
  • General build thumbnail

    General build General build

    Gaming and general use Gaming and general use
  • Bob The builder thumbnail

    Bob The builder Bob The builder

    Apologies when this was first posted I got an error both times I posted it so assumed it hadn't gone up! Apparently it had... Apologies when this was first posted I got an error both times I posted it so assumed it hadn't gone up! Apparently it had double posted, my bad! This was a first build that actually went amazingly smoothly. From having read this community and around the web I was expecting parts to fail on me or something to go horrifically horrifically wrong. Much to my delight, however, it didn't. The build is mainly for gaming for the Summer at 1440p and I have to say, with the GTX 780, it couldn't be better, Crysis 3 at native resolution and ultra? All smooth 99% of the time. The ACX Cooler keeps it down to 65C and with everything else going on, I can't even hear it. The 3770k is running at 4.1GHz at the moment and probably won't go any higher due to temps. It can run up to 75C as 100% load in not much time, so I'm happily letting it sit here, no more performance is really actually needed after all! I need to praise the 600t first of all, it's amazing to build in, anyone could do it, and it could still be neat and tidy. The only problem is the noise, but a bit of fan tweaking and boom you have yourself an amazing build, that only sounds like half a jet taking off instead of five. Although I am posting this now the build was started a month ago with the GPU going in two weeks later, thus the lack of use of Haswell. It's primarily a gaming machine, yes, but the i7 was chosen because I'm going on to work in electronics engineering and had no idea what sort of requirements software in the field may have, so really covered my bases, there was no budget issue, so why not? On the note of choices people here may question, yes the PSU is above and beyond for what it currently supports, but years to come and it may find itself supporting a second 780 and any other crap I can find and fit into the case, which with my curiosity, may be an awful lot. Yes, That's a WiFi Adapter on the top. No, I can't get an Ethernet cable to my tower. And No, my internet isn't good enough for it to be worthwhile trying! :P The monitor is amazing. 1440p is a pretty great resolution, not too much, but enough to make a noticeable difference when you have two windows side by side. The colours on this are also amazing, and you really notice a difference compared to other displays around the place. I came from an iMac, and noticed better quality and also for any normal gamer all of this talk of response times, I haven't had any trouble playing CS:Go a lot so don't let it worry you. If you've got the money, I'd recommend it. Now for first build noob issues. I had a couple. One of which is very very stupid. On the back of the Sabertooth Motherboard was a sticker, and this sticker covered the Ethernet and two USB ports basically reminding you that it was from Intel. I saw this sticker and thought nothing of it, proceeding to install the motherboard into the case. Look at back of motherboard, there's the sticker...behind the backplate... needing motherboard removal to take it off, this was literally the most time consuming part of the build! And that brings me neatly to the second issue I had. My screwdriver is not magnetic. The Sabertooth has thermal armour. In order to install the standoff screws you need to guide them down the hole in the thermal armour, without that magnetic screwdriver, getting them down the holes and them ending up straight ended up being a massive game of luck, but this isn't a dig at the motherboard, which I love the look and capabilities of! I also know some people will be questioning how much I paid for all this lot. In total with all the fans and everything we're probably looking at £2550. (Prices shown above aren't what or where I paid for anything!) Now I know I could have shaved money off here and there and got better performance, someone will suggest LGA2011 I'm sure, but the point is I've got a lovely build here with high quality components that I love, and it's encouraged me to build many more computers as the years go on! And Finally, I'd like to thank the community of r/buildapc. There's so many helpful posts flying around and I got a bit of help myself from people, it's good to have somewhere you know you can come to if **** just doesn't work. To all newcomers out there like me: If you're considering building, go for it. With the right parts, it's a really rewarding experience.
    Qais B
  • Black and White thumbnail

    Black and White Black and White

    Gaming rig Gaming rig
    Dacheng W
  • First build thumbnail

    First build First build

    My first ever personal build My first ever personal build
    Jonathan P
  • Eggplant thumbnail

    Eggplant Eggplant

    Inspired by the video game character Kuki Shinobu from Genshin Impact, both the color palette of this PC and the character... Inspired by the video game character Kuki Shinobu from Genshin Impact, both the color palette of this PC and the character resembles that of an eggplant. Prices dropped and Microcenter had the RTX 3080 12GB for $600 Open box, which I felt was a bit of a steal, so it was a no brainer to try it out. The RTX 3070 seemed enough for me but some games and creative programs were going over the VRAM limit of the graphics card, I was also having some random problems with the old card.
  • 2nd my best gaming computer  long live nvidia thumbnail

    2nd my best gaming computer long live... 2nd my best gaming computer long live nvidia

    Bought an lg 4k 32" last month and needed something powerful machine to play games, mechwarrior 5 hitman 3, fortnite, sniper... Bought an lg 4k 32" last month and needed something powerful machine to play games, mechwarrior 5 hitman 3, fortnite, sniper elite 5.
  • Fractal Torrent thumbnail

    Fractal Torrent Fractal Torrent

    This is a personal gaming/work station pc for all my school work and entertainment. I used my computer directly to help... This is a personal gaming/work station pc for all my school work and entertainment. I used my computer directly to help clients and patients during the Covid-19 pandemic to keep communications 24/7
  • Beer Build thumbnail

    Beer Build Beer Build

    First Build Gang First Build Gang
    Victor R
  • 2022 thumbnail

    2022 2022

    gaming - valorant gaming - valorant
    Kwang Han
  • Lian Li A4-H20 X4 thumbnail

    Lian Li A4-H20 X4 Lian Li A4-H20 X4

    Small build for gaming and general use, with powerful components Small build for gaming and general use, with powerful components
    Andrew N
  • Finally got my 3080! thumbnail

    Finally got my 3080! Finally got my 3080!

    Full-time dad, part-time gamer. I work on this PC by day (overkill) and game on the PC on the weekend (also overkill). Main... Full-time dad, part-time gamer. I work on this PC by day (overkill) and game on the PC on the weekend (also overkill). Main game is Destiny 2, but dabble in COD, Battlefield, etc with the boys.
  • Modern Age Gaming thumbnail

    Modern Age Gaming Modern Age Gaming

    I been using an i7 6700k and I feel now is the time to upgrade. I been using an i7 6700k and I feel now is the time to upgrade.
  • The Everything Build thumbnail

    The Everything Build The Everything Build

    (Since taking the photos I have corrected the fan orientation lol) This build is what I use every day for gaming, creating... (Since taking the photos I have corrected the fan orientation lol) This build is what I use every day for gaming, creating music, and school. I have built a few computers (I'm 20) with my first GPU having been a GTX 650, so this build is awesome for me. I couldn't come up with a good name so I called it the everything PC because I can do everything I need to on it (or want to because we don't need to be gaming on hardware this nice lol). Every spec is maxed out to benefit the specific areas I could face in my future, compiling code, rendering 3D objects, producing music, etc.
  • Dynamic White thumbnail

    Dynamic White Dynamic White

    I mainly use it for gaming, video editing, and running a plex server. I mainly use it for gaming, video editing, and running a plex server.
    Jonathan J

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