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1 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $23.99
SKU: 009506
- 4x Qwiic Connection Ports
- Large Prototyping Area
- 3-by-1 Prototyping Rails
- 4x Qwiic Connection Ports
- Large Prototyping Area
- 3-by-1 Prototyping Rails
2 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $7.99 -
2 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $24.99
1 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $4.99
3 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $20.99
2 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $32.99
3 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $12.99
3 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $18.99
1 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $29.99
2 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $19.99
Special Offers / Advertisements
'name': 'Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM',
'id': '620808',
'price': '23.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 1
'name': 'Qwiic Shield for Arduino',
'id': '613737',
'price': '7.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 2
'name': 'ESP32 Thing',
'id': '613055',
'price': '24.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 3
'name': 'Logic Level Converter - Bi-Directional',
'id': '613063',
'price': '4.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 4
'name': 'ESP8266 Thing Development Board with Headers',
'id': '604876',
'price': '20.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 5
'name': 'Pro nRF52840 Mini Bluetooth Development Board',
'id': '604913',
'price': '32.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 6
'name': 'Sound Detector',
'id': '613577',
'price': '12.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 7
'name': 'Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic)',
'id': '624359',
'price': '18.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 8
'name': 'CAN-BUS Shield',
'id': '654316',
'price': '29.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 9
'name': 'Thing Plus - RP2040',
'id': '633324',
'price': '19.99',
'brand': 'SparkFun Electronics',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 10