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1 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $35.99
1 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $66.99
2 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $4.99
2 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $7.99
2 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $27.99
4 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $7.99
SKU: 069609
3 IN STOCK at Cambridge StoreOur price $6.99
Special Offers / Advertisements
'name': 'Enviro - Indoor Environmental Monitor',
'id': '656584',
'price': '35.99',
'brand': 'Pimoroni',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 1
'name': 'Enviro + Air Quality Environmental Sensor',
'id': '656585',
'price': '66.99',
'brand': 'Pimoroni',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 2
'name': 'Nano Shield Board w/ Power Switch',
'id': '632701',
'price': '4.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 3
'name': 'Flex Perma-Proto - Half-sized Breadboard Flex-PCB',
'id': '456366',
'price': '7.99',
'brand': 'Adafruit Industries',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 4
'name': 'Inventor HAT Mini',
'id': '677100',
'price': '27.99',
'brand': 'Pimoroni',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 5
'name': 'Assembled Pi T-Cobbler Plus - GPIO Breakout for Raspberry Pi',
'id': '455628',
'price': '7.99',
'brand': 'Adafruit Industries',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 6
'name': 'MCP2221A Breakout - General Purpose USB to GPIO ADC I2C - Stemma QT / Qwiic',
'id': '618245',
'price': '6.99',
'brand': 'Adafruit Industries',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 7