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  • Don's Music Studio thumbnail

    Don's Music Studio Don's Music Studio

    I do a lot of music production using Pro Tools, Ableton, FL Studio, Reason Studio, and Video in Premiere Pro. This has... I do a lot of music production using Pro Tools, Ableton, FL Studio, Reason Studio, and Video in Premiere Pro. This has turned out to be a great combination of parts. The CPU is running at about 4.8Hz without overclocking. I am running my programs off the SSD drive and content from the NVMe. I compromised on the video card because I am not gaming... doesn't matter... this card is running without any glitches and my monitor is crisper than it was before. I would like to add a 2Tb NVMe for all my sample content. ( I can only add run some of it on the 1Tb)
    Donald N

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