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  • My First Build/Cad Workstation thumbnail

    My First Build/Cad Workstation My First Build/Cad Workstation

    I needed a 3D CAD workstation for home. Prebuilt options near specs I required were $500-$1000 more than budget allowed. I’m... I needed a 3D CAD workstation for home. Prebuilt options near specs I required were $500-$1000 more than budget allowed. I’m fairly tech savvy so decided to give custom pc building a go. After a solid month of research and Microcenter’s pc builder I pulled the trigger. The X570 motherboard has plenty of room for expansion and upgrades. Combined with AMD chip allows utilization of gen 4 M.2. Pcie slots allow for future graphics card upgrades. 850w power supply leaves plenty of headroom for expansion and upgrades. In order to stay in budget I sacrificed slightly on graphics card. Won’t effect functionality until switching to 2020 software upgrade later in 2021. Also saved on ram and case. Pretty pleased with case airflow. Need to swap fans to push air thru radiator but case is a pain and don’t want to remove cooler from cpu again. Rewired entire build after a couple weeks. Plenty of room and openings to secure groups based on type or location of wire origin. Ram’s ok. Will upgrade to 32g cards eventually and move to lower latency. When said and done I have a solid workhorse that will carry me thru several future upgrades and remain software capable for several years. Took one nerve racking night and an afternoon to assemble. The education of hands on assembly and initial setup was worth the cost to play. Didn’t fry anything!
    Kyle A

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